my baby around 20ish weeks |
I will never, ever forget the night my baby decided to make his entrance into the world. I wasn't due for another four weeks, and while I had had many complications and hospital stays throughout my pregnancy, by my 34th week, we all kind of thought I would make it to the home stretch. I wasn't losing any more weight, I wasn't in pain (much), and everything had settled down.
meeting him for the first time! |
Saturday, February 16th, 2013 was the day of my baby shower. After getting great gifts from family and friends, I went out with Ian for dinner at the Bristol. Later, I went home where my mom, aunt, uncle, and I were watching Skyfall; all the while my mom commenting, "Don't you think your dad looks like Daniel Craig? I think your dad looks like Daniel Craig." (He doesn't.) My back was hurting a little but I chocked it up to the pumps I insisted on wearing to my shower. Nothing about the evening really seemed out of the ordinary.
trying to feed him baby food for the first time. Before this, I didn't know that babies just don't get it at first. |
At two in the morning, February 17th, I woke up from my slumber.
Oh crap, I totally peed myself. I went to the bathroom to clean up and after being back in bed for ten minutes, I wet the bed again.
I need to get this under CONTROL! When it happened the third time I got a little suspicious. After my mom and I googling "water breaking" and calling my OBGYN, we sped to the hospital to meet Ian there.
fun with daddy |
I'll never forget Ian holding my hand and talking to me as casually as he could muster as the surgeons worked behind the curtain. At 6:23 am, my baby was born. And I will never, ever forget hearing his cry for the first time and my OB exclaiming, "He's a baritone!" (Lots of things about this night that I won't forget, huh?) I had to wait five minutes to see him as the nurses made sure everything with JDK checked out. Ian was bawling and taking pictures. When I finally laid eyes on my firstborn, the first thing I could think to say was, "He's so cute!!!" (Although looking back, he looked a bit Benjamin-Button like. Very wrinkly and bony.)
He loves Cousin Joe! |
This past Sunday, my tiny little baby became a chunky, growling nine month old. He crawls, he pulls up, laughs a lot, and loves entertaining (never when I put him on the spot, however). He's the most amazing baby Ian and I could ever have asked for.
Help, my 9 month old is a reindeer "animorph"!!! |