My sweet, my all, my precious baby is a year old. Considering how vividly I remember that Sunday he was born, it does not feel like 365 days have since passed. My water broke, I had a few hours of contractions, then, I heard him. Right before my OBGYN pulled him out, there was a muffled cry as he was about to trade the womb for the big, cold world. The five minutes it took before I could see him were an eternity; I was waiting for the best birthday present I would ever receive.
March (Megan Hynes) |
I have been brainstorming for about a week what all to write about him for his birthday post. It would be easy for me to go into every intricate detail of his personality and character for hours on end, but for the sake of any readers I will write the abridged description of my little chunky hunky: JDK.
April |
May |
From the moment he wakes up to the moment I put him down, he is filled with more joy than anyone, and especially any baby, that I have ever met. There might be some whines and a few crocodile tears thrown in, but even then he'll pause his attempt at being a typical baby to shower me with cuddles and flash his mega-watt two-tooth smile. Speaking of which, he is a SNUGGLER. Example: tonight after his bath and bottle (now drinking organic whole milk, woohoo!), he laid down next to me on the couch and softly babbled, his head resting on my shoulder. Almost nothing tops your baby's expressions of love to you.
June |
July |
The kid is a social butterfly. He thrives in the nursery setting, where I often find him playing with his fellow babies' feet, or when surrounded by cousins at a family gathering, laughing and basking in the glory of being around those little people closer to his age. I am thankful he's sociable, but boy is he a flirt. While endearing to the ladies (of all ages) receiving this sort of attention, it terrifies me. That dark hair and blue eyes thing he's got going on is a rare, lady-grabbing combo. Okay, I can't think about this anymore!!! Moving on...
August |
September |
JDK loves to eat. That baby loves eggs, clementines, meatloaf, cheese, potatoes, crab cakes....just about anything you lay before him. He's never had a carbonated beverage in his life, but if he sees you drinking one he will try to give you a kiss so he can get a taste. My sweet is standing up for longer periods every day, and has even taken a hesitant step, but he still loves the ease and efficiency of crawling. As of yet there is no "first word" but he's fluent in imitating nonsense sounds and squealing. He knows where his nose is (and momma's nose), and loves to play catch with his football.
October |
November |
One thing I love is that, despite my parents living thousands of miles away and having not been here in a few months, JDK still knows who "Mimi and Papi" are. We video chat with them frequently and when I ask him, "Want to Skype with Mimi and Papi?" he stops what he's doing and crawls ever so hastily to my laptop. Granted, he's been known to end a call or two from being too curious with the keyboard.
December |
January |
Oh yes, I can't leave out what a ham he is. This quality is programmed in his genes, straight from yours truly. There is nothing more this baby loves than a captive audience for whom to put on a show. If he's crying, a camera flash will magically cheer him up. If you ask (or if you don't) he will gladly do his silly face or his favorite yoga pose for you...again, and again, and again.
February |
Some call him John, a few "J.D.", but his momma calls him Dash: the name that jumped off the page of the baby name book. My sweet Dash teaches me about kindness and God's mercy day after day. My daily prayer is that he will always be as joyful and kind as he is now, that he won't be the type of person who has to learn things the hard way, and that he will delight in the Word and not stray from his Creator. I love you sweet JDK; you have blessed all those around you since day one and I am so excited to see what our second year with you has in store!
Sons are a heritage from the Lord,
children a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3